Sunday, March 1, 2009

Guess what I did all day?

Both of my girls had quotas that they had to meet for each of their Troops. I also had an excess for my Troop that had to be sold, so that meant that I spent most of my Sunday at Safeway selling Girl Scout Cookies. We have an extremely busy week this week with the lead up to Regional competition on Saturday for DI so I wanted to get as many sold today as I could.

Sales were a little slow at times but overall we got the job done! Katie only has a few boxes left to go to make her quota.

I thought that I'd also add this picture. I felt so very sorry for the poor Pansies that were planted with the promise of Spring only to be snowed upon a day or so later!


Cheryl said...

I'm glad you did so well with the cookie sales. Girl Scout cookies are oh SO yummy!!!

The pansy picture is sad - oh so sad. lol

jkluginbill said...

Poor poor pansies. :(

I bought cookies at Safeway from Lisa and her girls yesterday. Got the last two boxes of shortbread (score!).

Have a great week!

Anonymous said...

I think they're primulas, not pansies! They look so cold!

Judy said...

I love the picture of Katie and Emily with their Girl Scout vests! I feel bad for the poor pansies...I hope they survive.
